Conversatory 2 – “City and Well-being”

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Conversatory 2 – “City and Well-being”

In this new edition of València Design Fest, architecture and urban planning will once again have a place in the format of a conversation with professionals who, one to one, will reflect on and bring us closer to issues that touch us all closely. 

 The second of these talks brings together Nuria Matarredona and Beatriz Jacoste to talk about ‘City and well-being’. This talk between the two professionals will revolve around the city and its inhabitants. Are we following the right path towards a city that is kinder to its citizens? Does architecture influence the habits (and even more so the diet) of human beings? Is our city a faithful reflection of our habits or, on the contrary, is it built to modify them?  


– Talk – Thursday 26/09/24 | 18:00H | MuVIM (C/ de Quevedo, 10, València) | Free entrance until full capacity is reached.