“Crafting connections: Exploring collaborations in contemporary crafts”

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“Crafting connections: Exploring collaborations in contemporary crafts”

Coinciding with the opening ceremony of the festival, on 13 September the Museu Valencià de la Il.’lustració i de la Modernitat (MuVIM) will host the opening of the exhibition ’Time and matter. Crafting connections: Exploring collaborations in contemporary crafts’, which focuses on contemporary craft creation. Curated by the Valencian Estudio Savage, it will bring together a careful selection of pieces designed by national and international studios and workshops. 

Crafts have faithfully expressed the evolution of the identity of each people and region. That is why, as a reaction to the homogenisation induced by globalisation, a great social interest has been awakened in recovering and preserving those techniques, products and symbolisms that have shaped our culture and our identity. Contemporary craftsmanship has become a field of reflection and sensorial, formal and symbolic experimentation through confrontation and dialogue between tradition and innovation, between natural materials and intelligent materials, between manual techniques and new technologies, between local identity and global development, standing at the forefront of new socio-cultural trends that transform the market’, explain Estudio Savage. 

This is how ‘Time and Matter’ came about, as a cultural event to bring contemporary crafts to the general public. A space for reflection where you can see how craftwork has a valid path of development alongside design and, above all, the permanence of materials, techniques and production processes.  

 ‘In this second edition we explore how contemporary crafts adopt a collaborative perspective, occupying the space between art and industry, and encompassing a broad spectrum that goes from the artistic product to design-art. Contemporary crafts, multifaceted and diverse, encompass multiple disciplines that demand more complex methodologies, new working structures and collaborations, but, above all, a more open and expansive thinking about what we traditionally understand by craftsmanship. The traditional craftsman evolves and makes use of more tools or a multidisciplinary team made up of experts in different techniques, in marketing and communication, in creative direction or psychology, for example, distributing tasks and roles, giving each other help, coordinating efforts, with the aim of achieving the planned objective’, the curators reflect. 

Time and Matter will include a series of parallel activities also curated by Estudio Savage. 

The entire project is organised by the Fundació del Disseny de la Comunitat Valenciana and has the support of the Ministry of Culture (Centro de Coordinación de Industrias Culturales), Valencia City Council, the Diputació de València and the Museu Valencià de la Il.’lustració i de la Modernitat (MuVIM).   

 Inauguration event – Friday 13/09/24 | 19:00H | MuVIM (C/ de Quevedo, 10, València) | Free entry  

 Exhibition – Friday 13/09/24 – Sunday 13/10/24 | MuVIM (C/ de Quevedo, 10, València) | Free entry

Guided tours by Estudio Savage: more information: https://valenciadesignfest.com/en/activaciones/guided-visits-of-time-and-matter/

– Download this dossier for more information about the pieces: download.