Presentation of “The New Habitat” report

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Presentation of “The New Habitat” report

“The New Habitat” is a project by APE Grupo with research by Futurea. A research that aims to reflect how interior design, product design and architecture connect with socio-cultural trends in a deep and meaningful way.   

In this event they will present the results, collected in this new report ‘The New Habitat 25/26. How the spaces we inhabit are changing’, Pepa Casado and Lucía Marín (from Futurea) and will participate in the subsequent round table discussion Àngela Montagud (Clap Studio), Fran Sabater (Samaruc Studio), and Alberto Eltini (El Departamento). 


– Presentation and round table l Wednesday 18/09/24 | 18:30H | MuVIM (C/ de Quevedo, 10, València) | Free entrance by registration until full capacity –